‘History of Arabs and Muslims’ Philosophy’ Published in Russia

‘History of Arabs and Muslims’ Philosophy’ Published in Russia
An academic text book titled “History of Arabs and Muslims’ Philosophy” was published in Russian for students of the history of Islamic philosophy.



According to Russian Islamic Studies Foundation, the Sadra Publications Institute has published the book in cooperation with the Avicenna Foundation and the Philosophy Institute of Russia’s Academy of Sciences.


The book is an edited copy of the two-volume collection titled “History of Islamic Philosophy” published by the Avicenna Foundation in 2013.


History of philosophy and theology among Muslims and different schools of philosophy and theology have been discussed in the book.


It also investigates Sufism and thoughts of Ibn Khaldun, Sheikh Ishraq (Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi), Avicenna and philosophers of the Safavid era in details.


The book also covers biography and philosophical viewpoints of Nasir Khusraw and Sanai, Jalal ad-din Rumi’s fourth book, Haq-ul-Yaqeen of Mahmoud Shabestari, Jami’s quatrains and philosophical issues of Quran and Sunnah and their theological teachings.


It was written by a team of eminent Russian experts and supervised by Smirnov, director of Philosophy Institute of Russia’s Academy of Sciences.




Source: IQNA News Agency




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