The Forth Avicenna Prize to Professor Zabta Khan Shinwari (Pakistan)/ 2015

The Forth Avicenna Prize to Professor Zabta Khan Shinwari (Pakistan)/ 2015




In 2015, the UNESCO Avicenna Prize for Ethics in Science is awarded for the fourth time. The winner of the 2015 edition is the Pakistani Professor of Biotechnology and bioethicist, Zabta Khan Shinwari.


Chair of the Biotechnology Department of the Quaid-i-Azam University of Islamabad.


Professor Zabta Khan Shinwari is Secretary-General of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences and Chair of the Biotechnology Department of the Quaid-i-Azam University of Islamabad.


Born in 1959, native of the tribal belt of Pakistan, Zabta Khan Shinwari from his young years has been a model for those communities where education is a rare commodity: he showed love for knowledge and tenacity to pursue it.


After having graduated from the University of Peshawar, he obtained a PhD degree from the Kyoto University in 1994, followed by several post-doctoral fellowships in agricultural biotechnology from several prestigious Japanese Institutions.


Having been trained in molecular taxonomy and systematics, Professor Shinwari identified more than 300 genes of plants, several of which were discovered to be drought, cold weather, and stress-tolerant.


His work in the area of development of modern plant biotechnology was then associated with the Pakistan Museum of Natural History, the National Agricultural Research Centre, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)-Pakistan, and several research organizations.


Over his three decades of academic career, Zabta Khan Shinwari has worked tirelessly to empower local communities to use their natural resources and biodiversity in a sustainable manner to achieve an environmentally sound economic development. He published three books documenting the indigenous knowledge about medicinal Plants of Pakistan (Plant wealth of Ayubia National Park, 2002; Medicinal and other useful plants of district Swat-Pakistan, 2003; and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Pakistan (A Pictorial Guide), 2006), which stimulated similar research and the development of a database of medicinal usages of local plants. The latter was of particular importance for the protection of the intellectual property rights of indigenous communities.


He is the author of more than 300 scientific publications, which include 7 books, 10 volumes of edited proceedings of international conferences and more than 250 articles of which the majority were published in high impact factor scientific journals. 


Following his appointment in 2004 as Vice-Chancellor of the Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST), Professor Shinwari succeeded in making KUST a center of excellence in higher education with developed modern infrastructure and research facilities.


One of his major achievements was the extension of the quality higher education facilities to the marginalized and hitherto neglected communities of the remote areas of Pakistan and the improvement of access to higher education of talented students through scholarships and tuition waivers. Despite the existing cultural restrictions, Professor Shinwari was able to persuade local communities not to keep women from receiving higher education. Subsequently, the number of female students has increased to nearly 30%. He also succeeded in establishing a University of Science and Technology in Bannu and the KUST Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS).


Professor Shinwari also served as the Chief Executive Officer of the private research institution Qarshi Research International and as Vice-Chancellor and founder of Qarshi University- Lahore.


Throughout his scientific research and academic work, he has worked determinedly to develop educational programmes on the ethics of scientific knowledge, bioethics, applied ethnobotany, biosafety, and biosecurity, and introduced them in the university curriculum throughout Pakistan at the post-graduate and under-graduate levels.


Currently, Zabta Khan Shinwari’s main research interest is in developing and teaching modules on dual-use education. He has been a key partner in promoting biosecurity education in Pakistan and has played an important role in Pakistan in terms of biosecurity and international engagement on biosecurity issues. He has developed linkages with various national and international agencies and has explored opportunities to deliver the findings to a multi-institutional audience with a view to establishing a national Pakistani biosecurity network.


Professor Zabta Khan Shinwari was designated the laureate of the Prize by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, upon the recommendation of an independent International Jury of scholars and ethicists, including Marie-Helene Parizeau (Canada), the Jury’s Chairperson and one of the Vice-Chairpersons of COMEST, Luka Omladič (Slovenia), Rapporteur of COMEST and the Jury, and Hebe Vessuri (Venezuela), member of COMEST. 


The Prize will be awarded at an official ceremony at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on 4 November 2015, at 7.30 p.m. in Room IX.


The Director-General of UNESCO will award the Prize to Prof. Zabta Khan Shinwari in the presence of H.E. Mr Mohammad Farhadi, Minister of Science, Research and Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, donor of the Prize, H. Exc. Mr Ahmad Jalali, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of the Islamic Republic of Iran to UNESCO, and Prof. Marie-Hélène Parizeau, Chairperson, International Jury of the UNESCO Avicenna Prize for Ethics in Science (2015) and the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), and Ms Nada Al-Nashif, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences.


Intended to honour the activities of individuals and groups in the field of ethics in science, the Prize encourages ethical reflection on questions raised by scientific and technological advances - a goal that coincides with UNESCO’s priorities.


Established in 2002 by UNESCO’s Executive Board on the initiative of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Prize has been awarded biennially since 2004, and it may be conferred upon individuals, institutions, other entities or non-governmental organizations.


The first Avicenna Prize was awarded to Professor Margaret Somerville, Director of the Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law at the McGill University in Montreal (Canada). The second Prize was awarded in 2006 to Professor Abdallah S. Daar, Director of the Program in Applied Ethics and Biotechnology at the University of Toronto (Canada). In 2009, the third Avicenna Prize was awarded to Professor Renzong Qiu, Emeritus Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy (People’s Republic of China).


The Prize consists of a gold Avicenna medal, a certificate and the sum of USD10,000. The Prize-winner also is invited to pay a one-week academic visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran, during which he/she will deliver speeches in the relevant academic gatherings, organized for this purpose by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Donor of the Prize.


See also:

·         Zabta Khan Shinwari: Ignoring Science is the most Unethical Attitude

·         Pakistani scientist Zabta Khan Shinwari winner of the UNESCO Avicenna Prize for Ethics in Science

·         Professor of Biotechnology and Bioethicist Zabta Khan Shinwari of Pakistan is awarded 2015 UNESCO Avicenna Prize

·         Photo Gallery



 source: UNESCO







Apr 4, 2015 11:54
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