“Father of Modern Medicine called 'The Canon of Medicine’ a medical bible”

“Father of Modern Medicine called 'The Canon of Medicine’ a medical bible”
Congress of the 1,000th Anniversary of the compilation of Avicenna’s ‘The Canon of Medicine’ was held on Tuesday in which the event’s president Ali Akbar Velayati said: “Sir William Osler had noted that Canon remained "a medical bible for a longer time than any other work.”



Avicenna began writing his major medical composition, Kitab al-Qanun fi al-tibb (Canon of Medicine) in Gorgan, at the southeast corner of the Caspian Sea, and continued its composition in Rayy, an important medieval city south of modern Tehran. The work was completed in Hamadan even further southwest, where he died in 1037 CE (428 H).


'The Canon of Medicine’ has been translated into several languages including French, German, English, Uzbek, Hebrew, Persian and Urdu, Velayati said.


Moreover the secretary of the conference Ali Iranmanesh said that the stamp of Avicenna will be unveiled during the congress’s closing ceremony.


The Congress of the 1,000th Anniversary of the compilation of Avicenna’s ‘The Canon of Medicine’ which opened on Tuesday will run for three days in Tehran and Hamadan.




Source: IBNA News Agency



Oct 30, 2013 20:15
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